

In high school I took art class throughout ninth and twelfth grade. We used several mediums: pencil, pen, watercolors, and coal, but my all-time favorite was pencil drawing, I think it was the fact that if I messed up I can erase and redraw...It's been a long time since I had a real pencil in my hand, I don't really know how I stopped...I should get back to that.

*** I did this drawing in 2002, took 23 hours to finish ***

Little Ponyo.

My sister and I watched ponyo today. That little ham-obsessed gold-fish is the cutest thing ever, I wish I can get my own little ponyo. That movie is a must see...I think I'm going to watch it again...

Chinese Coppertone.

I was in China town one day when I saw this Chinese version of the coppertone commercial. It's really funny how they captured the same facial gesture and most importantly the amount of "bee-hind" showing!

I heart little details.

I was looking at some random blogs the other day and I saw this lovely room, don't you just love this moroccan-style pink bed? And the touch of turquoise adds some spice to it.  I love the little tiny details on it and the color is just the cherry on top.

Where did my neighbor go?

Last semester was a really tough one, looking back I really have no idea how it passed. I had to work on two 100-page books, and one had to be written by yours truly. I used to wake up before dawn to catch up on all the work load I had.

I know one thing that surely made it better, my little bird neighbor. He'd come visit me every morning whistling a beautiful tune that cheered me up each time, He made me feel special, as if he knew what I was going through and tried to make it easier on me, and he did. Two months later, after coming back from a refreshing visit back home, I noticed a change, something dear to me is no longer here, I can't find my beautiful neighbor, I sat at my window waiting but he never came. I only hope he's still out there and ok. I really miss my beautiful neighbor.

More and more secrets...

I still can't get over those post secrets, I really find them quite charming...umm.. I think the reason behind their charm is honesty.

I heart honesty.

Julie and Julia

Last night mom, sis and I went to watch Julie and Julia at the movie theatre, I can honestly say that it is not my kind of movie but I loved it. Merel streep is hilarious! I loved how both characters were passionate about what they did. I also fell for the cheerful Julia Child who nothing seemed to get her down and always looked at the bright side of everything. I want to be just like her, Passionate, loving, big-hearted and content with what I have which eventually leads to happiness even in the darkest of days.