
How augmented can you get? Is that even a question?

Here's my poster for my experimental type class, we had to express the word augmented in our own...I'd like to say "world".

***Copy in cloud says: The rain augmented into the lake as it fell from the clouds***


Words I try to live by.

"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."

***Maya Angelou***


Words of wisdom.

***Challenges are an
opportunity not a task,

that's what makes work stand above the rest.***



My best thrift store find was this Monroe tile picture/frame whatever you want to call it...


Suicide Blond.

***You know the way you look makes everyone hungry...grrr***

Mouse fright.

Last night as I was waiting at the train station a mouse jumped in front of me and started running towards me, I squirmed and ran to the other side. 

***Sorry mouse, nothing personal, it's not you, it's me.***

Even more secrets.

Secrets are endless, check them out here, here, and here.


Survival in the Wilderness how-to cook book.

For my type class we had to design a book on survival, mine was on Survival in the Wilderness. It was a tough class but I'm happy with the outcome :)
Now, I have a train to catch...