

If I were to boil down the thing I have gained in those three years -- of struggle I might add -- in grad school, I would say: never give up, no matter how bad things may seem, or how nothing is going your way, have trust and faith that it will eventually work itself out if you focus and keep going.

You have to have faith in yourself and your capabilities, it'll all be worth it in the end. trust me.


New Website.

My new website is now up, go here to view my online portfolio.


Muslima website.

My Thesis project website is up, click here to go there, or just type in: www.MuslimTale.com

*** p.s. this is more of a summary that explains my thesis project ***


Dead wrong.

I've been playing this song allllll day looooong...


Religious Stereotypes.

This book was the reason I chose to delve deeper into the issue of negative religious stereotypes and ways to solve them. It actually is my one of my favorite books I wrote so far. The book is one hundred and fifteen pages.

(To read just click on the image and flip through)

***Umbrella people illustrations by Jon Turner***


Muslima project dolls.

These are the main three characters in my Muslima storybook series...

that's Ally up there...

And that's me (if you hadn't noticed the resemblance)...

And that's Nina...

P.S. I'd rather not mention who they were made by since it wasn't a pleasant experience at all.


Hey guess what?

You see that BIG smile on my face. yep yep ...I MADE ITTTTTTT..... I'm sooo happy to have gotten that far and through! I've dreamed of this day for so long it feels so surreal right now. Alhamdella :)

My friends were there to cheer me on and give me a moral push. thanks guys!



I just finished printing / binding / trimming six presentation booklets. Ah it feels so good. Can't wait to kick butt tomorrow. I finally feel ready (mentally / emotionally / practically).

Now I need to cook myself a good meal. I'm thinking Kabob. YUM.

p.s. I will soon be posting my very own seafood soup recipe. I need to come up with a proper name for it though...


Free single.

Love Norah Jones? Danger Mouse maybe? Then click here and download their single Two Against One free on itunes.

Tease you.

I will be posting my thesis project soon, meanwhile here are my teaser ads...


Almost there.

Really excited (and nervous) about this. My thesis project is *almost* done. 



I got really excited when I found out that my packaging was featured on both The Dieline and lovely package...

You can view them here and here.