
New thesis.

I have had a big thesis rejection from our graphic design Executive Director. The new look is still work in progress. I will be posting a link to the new blog for my thesis soon. Meanwhile, all I can say is:



  1. Shucks :( What was their argument?

  2. omg she HATED everything, she even made me change the name of my thesis...which meant that I had to come up with a new logo, change the illustrations (remove all the backgrounds-since they looked too muddy for her taste) and I also changed the typefaces used.

    But I would be honest about the whole crap phase I'm going through and say that it does look so much better! oh well...shit happens.

  3. Wow! I would cry. I'm sure you came u with great work. Can't wait to see it!

  4. Thanks :)

    W!ell I did cry, lots and lots of melt downs!


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