
Kalimat: Magazine Feature.

I'm ecstatic about Kalimat magazine's fall issue, where my thesis project is featured. 

"Kalimat Magazine is committed to rejuvenating Arabic culture by providing an outlet for political, cultural and social expression within the Arab region and its Diaspora. At the same time, it is a visual communication tool that serves to change Western perception of Arabs. The purpose is to be an open outlet for expression and to increase participation within the cultural/creative scene, therefore, the content is created by Arab people, the writers are Arab, the editor is Arab, the people featured are Arab."

Flip to page 109 to read my article.

*** Thank you so much Danah Abdulah ***


  1. There has NEVER been a prouder moment!! from one acclaimed-soon-to-be-retired blogger (me) to another (you) I salute you

  2. Big thanks to the notorious gum beast, those are big words you say!

    And please try to give the blog world another go before you drop the R word.

  3. the R Bomb!! lol aww I miss you already

  4. haha (rethink rethink rethink).


Be considerate with your comments. I'm talking to you anonymous!