
Pinkdust Collaboration.

The Ka3k el 3eed event at Pinkdust last night was awesome...
Filled with home-made ka3ek, Arabian coffee, family, and friends... 

That's my dear friend Isra'...

The wall of my pride and joy...

Aseel (aka Aseelo) my sweet cousin, and heba (aka Hebzi) my lovely little sister with my wall mural...

The super-nice, super-sweet Pinkdust girls Salwa, Sima, and Tala...

with Muhannad...

Lumani bracelets for a good cause that I had to get...

My childhood friend Tala who I finally got to see after 8 years...

Last night was a highlight in my life, it's a beginning to something I've always believed in and much adored. I was surprized by the positive reaction I got from the  public. Thankyousomuch to the Pinkdust girls Salwa, Sima, and Tala. You girls rule!


  1. On behalf of pinkdust we are honored to be displaying your amazing Art up on our walls. Thank you for all of your efforts and fabulous paintings ;)

    We wish you all the BEST OF LUCK !

  2. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me!


  3. Love the illustrations Lama! I hope it was a nice experience.

  4. Thanks Abrar. It was a wonderful experience!


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