
Umm. Hi.

Been really busy lately. really

I miss blogging, will have something worth sharing soon. Promise.


  1. Umm, hey! It's not really that bad. You've been posting almost once every day or two for a while, which is very good.
    Can't wait to see some of your new work. And, did I mention that this photo is so awesome?

  2. Um hey, hey! I do still have a whole bunch of old school projects that I'd like to share on my blog. Too lazy/tiered/busy/iffy to take photos but I promise I will soon :)

    Thanks for the sweet words!

  3. Wow! I had this same exact condition (lazy/tired/busy/iffy). I checked with a doctor who diagnosed it as "severe procrastination syndrome". He said it was treatable and prescribed some anti-proc. meds. Didn't work. So, I went back to some tips grandma taught me when I was little. She said: "Go out there, meet new people, get inspired, then hang around those who make you wanna do something that matters, and stick with it. And don't forget to grab some of my chocolate chip cookies every now and then." Did it work? Try it out for yourself.

    P.S. I bet you're orders of magnitude more productive than I am, but I thought I'd share this little story that I just made up!
    We all have winters and summers. Let's hope our winters don't last too long.

    Gosh! I talk a lot. Sorry.

  4. ahhh I like your made up story. Grandma's are the best (even if tales they're involved in aren't real), and chocolate chip cookies are the second best thing (brownies rank first in my world).

    I always tend to deviate all my conversations to food somehow, and you just encouraged that behavior!

    P.S. Will let you know if your made up advise works for me, it already sounds good!

  5. You should also try blueberry filled donuts (in case you haven't, and even if you have, try it again ASAP) and give it a serious thought. It might become #3, or who knows, maybe #1!
    Aagh, it's soooo good - I'm drooling already ;)

    You know, it was once said: "Live, love, and eat." What they were trying to say is that food is just as great as life itself (and love, for those who believe in it.) So, in a sense, food is life, and life is food! I guess the second part was a bit of an overstatement, but you get the idea.

  6. Blueberry filled donuts sounds so good (especially now that it's 12:am!!!!!). I think my ultimate number one will always be brownies, I've tried many other "Loves" but they always seem to top my list no matter how good everything else might be.

    That quote reminds me of Julia Robert's Eat, Pray, Love movie, it was a good one (although i couldn't stop staring at her odd looking lips...meh).

  7. Did you read the book? Real good.

  8. nope, not yet. But it is on my read list.

  9. Well, when you do, let us know what you think - if you don't mind.

  10. Will do, but I don't think it's happening anytime soon :)


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