
Happy new year + other news.

First of all I'd like to wish anyone reading this a happy new year, hope you get off to a good start, I on a personal level am very glad 2011 is over.

It has been really quiet here for the past 2 weeks or so, I've been sick (flu) / car broken down / busy (who isn't) / & spending A LOT of time with family (which was awesome).

Here's to better beginnings, Cheers!


  1. No longer do I wonder why it took you some time to post something this [new] year (please excuse my eagerness to check what's new on your blog).

    Hopefully life will be kind enough to keep getting better as time moves on (fingers crossed!)

    Now, I've tried real hard to get what the guy is saying here, but I think I need some help!

  2. Thanks guys!

    It's wonderful having you comment on my posts :)

    This illustration is actually a spoof on Magritte's "This is Not a Pipe" painting.


  3. Now it makes sense to me (I had a feeling it was in French).
    Good piece, btw. I think you should make a collection of all these characters that have the unmistakable "Lamlamistic" style (actually you get to pick the name of your style, but that was my shot at it!)

  4. Lamlamistic style, lol! Sounds important, I like that :)

  5. where's the pas?

  6. Im so in love with your illustrations they're adorable .. i'd like you to check my blog too :D and btw im in San Francisco as well .. i arrived last month though doing my masters in illustration in AOA .. would love to meet your or collaborate with u xx

  7. Sarah,

    I wish you made it to sf earlier, I'm actually leaving back to Amman (but I'll be back soon I promise).

    Which school are you in? How do you like sf so far?

    I checked out your blog and I love your style, I especially love the wall in your room.

    Would love to collaborate one day!

    Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful time here (even with all the homesickness you go through, try to enjoy this lovely city and it's people).


  8. ohh you left already :( ?!!! .. let me know when you come back .. this is my email sarah.tt@hotmail.com it will be easier to catch up .. well SF is amazinggg but im so freakin lonely :S i go to academy of Art <3 .. its amazing but the foundation im taking is so hard on me because the style they're asking for is so freaking realistic and figurative .. proportion and all that shit and as you can see the things i do are stylized most likely .. aghh im talking too much i guess it shows how lonely i feel lool .. ok now im done but hey come back yalla !! lets work illustrate cut paste huge scales and have fun together !


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