
سوبر ماريو

He's probably every child who grew up in the 80's super hero. He's able to spit fire when he eats a flower, flies when he eats a feather, and carries empty turtle shells and throws them on evil mushrooms and travels from one place to another through green pipes.

If you're an 80's child, you can't miss not knowing who that is. Meet Mario.


  1. You know what I like most about this.. right? :D Anyhow, I'm not that much into games, but Mario Land is the only game I've ever finished on my beloved Game Boy.. So Mario is my bro! But what happened to his hands? infajrat fee konboleh ou hu ta7et??

  2. haha la lessa ma tel3at eedo!

    Mustaches Rule!!!

    Miss you Odah.


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