Toufoula: This Summer.
I have been asked by the wonderful Lebanese Organization, Toufoula to be part of their amazing Dream Rooms Project, and work on designing a hospital room, mainly a wall mural, along with its furniture.
That project is about designing hospital rooms across Lebanon for Children with Cancer. Their aim is "To provide children with an improved ambiance in order to overcome the many obstacles they face compared to other children."
They've worked with a bunch of talented artists/designers/agencies like JWT, Zuhair Murad and Seif el Hassani (my fav).
I'm so delighted to being part of this wonderful team of artists, and really (really) looking forward to starting on it this summer. Which will also be my very first trip I ever make to Lebanon (double yay!).
You can read more about Toufoula here.
Thank God the weekend is just around the corner...
I'll be remodeling my room (finally)... Will post pics when it's done.
I'll be remodeling my room (finally)... Will post pics when it's done.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My Illustration for Yislamoo.
I was over the moon when my illustration showed up on one of Yislamoo's cards!
Check out Yislamoo's facebook page on where to find their card stands.
Ghawaar and Fatoom.
Remember this painting? Well, obviously I haven't had enough of drawing Ghawaar's mustache, so this time I added Fatoom, Ghawaar's love interest, who unfortunately doesn't share back his feelings, and loves Hussni Borazaan instead.
P.S. This is one of my ultimate favorite paintings!
Souk Fann - Day Three.
We wrapped up the Souk Fann event last night. We had a BLAST!!
Thanks Art Medium, you guys are brilliant.