
Hello Blog, with capital "B".

Life has been good lately, no butterfly pooping and rainbows though.

News? I'm working on a super (awesome), kick-ass, idon'thaveenoughwordstodescribeit kind of project (well two actually)... and one of them is a personal project of mine that I've been working on hours-on-end. It does get tiring, but I'm so excited to get it out in the public that I'm kicking my own butt to get it out.

I will be posting about it sometime (soon), it should be out by the end of Ramadan if all goes smoothly and if I don't get sick/hit by a bus/beaten up (God forbid).

I've also come across some really good music (how would I even go on without music in life, oh music, I love you so, muah)... might be my meds talking right now (or not).

Anyway, here's a doodle I made that was inspired by Daughter's song Smother (beautiful, beautiful lyrics by the way).


  1. كلام جميل... بحب دوتر

  2. لول. والله انهم جماعة كويسين!


Be considerate with your comments. I'm talking to you anonymous!