
Spray paint and stencils.

Today was one historical day, I had my very first graffiti out in the streets, AND I had my very first art printed on Mlabbas tshirts (which I'll be showing you soon).

VERY excited!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see the T-shirts.

I very well remember a couple years back when I did some spraypainting myself (though it wasn't type-based). A fun experience indeed. It was surprisingly satisfying to see my stencils, which had taken a while to put together, add up to something fairly appealing.

Oh, and I should've passed on the lesson I had learned the hard way: Don't forget to put gloves on! or maybe it's part of the fun, I guess ;)

Lama Khayyat said...

Thanks I am really excited about the tshirts and can't wait till they're out in the market...

On another hand, gloves for sure next time!!
I think I'll be doing that stencil thing more often, let's hope I don't get caught haha